Exterior Basement Waterproofing Services

Waterproofing From The Outside Could Be The Fix You Need!

For those struggling with water intrusion in their basement, it’s natural to try fixing the problem from the inside. However, protecting your basement from water can also be effectively achieved through exterior basement waterproofing services provided by Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing. The team can offer a consultation to determine the ideal waterproofing solution for your situation. Often, exterior repairs and improvements are more effective, especially if you have a finished basement.

The first service Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing will consider is foundation repair. Small cracks in your foundation can allow water to seep through, potentially leading to significant water buildup and further damage. A common fix for such cracks is applying a carbon fiber foundation patch. This method is easy to apply, durable, and provides long-lasting protection.

Additionally, Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing can enhance basement protection by installing a membrane around the foundation walls. While foundation walls are porous and can have small cracks, the exterior wall membrane is impermeable and serves as a barrier, offering an extra level of protection. To further prevent water from reaching your basement walls, the team can improve the slope around your home and install exterior drain tiles to manage water runoff effectively.