Sump pump Services

Solve Water Intrusion With a Sump Pump and French Drain

As you work to keep your basement dry, Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing offers several sump pump services to address the various ways water can enter your home. One top option for homes today is installing a sump pump. A sump pump is a specialized system designed to collect water in your home and then pump it out. When you have a sump pump installed in your basement, Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing will first install connecting drain tiles to ensure that the collected water is directed to the pump. Once in the pump, the water will be expelled from your home. This can be a highly effective water management option, particularly during heavy rainfall.

Another common issue is water collecting and pooling in your yard, which can damage landscaping and eventually cause water intrusion into your basement. To address this, working with Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing to find a solution is important. In many cases, installing a French drain is a good idea. This type of drain involves placing drains in the areas of your yard where water accumulates and directing it to a sewer or another designated area. This helps prevent significant water accumulation in your yard.

Advanced Restoration & Waterproofing can help you determine if a sump pump or a French drain is right for your situation. They can then provide the necessary installation services to address your water intrusion or accumulation challenges. This will allow you to enjoy your basement without worrying about water seeping in. Proper water control can also enhance the exterior of your home by preventing landscaping damage due to excess water accumulation.